viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

ESEB 09 Reunion Anual en Torino, Italia

El 12º Congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Biología Evolutiva (ESEB) tendrá lugar entre los días 24 y 29 de Agosto en la ciudad de Torino, Italia.

Los simposios programados cubren un total de 31 temas de los más diversos de la biología evolutiva; entre ellos: " Evolutionary systems biology, From the selfish gene to species extinction: levels of selection in evolution, Are "good genes" theories of sexual selection finally sinking into the sunset?, The evolution of conflict and cooperation: when theory meets data, Evolutionary applications: a symposium sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell publishing, Male-female coevolution - from molecules to species...".

The 12th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology will be held in Torino, Italy, August 24 – 29, 2009.

The structure of the congress is similar to previous meetings, each day starting with a plenary keynote speaker, followed by parallel symposia.
The congress will cover the field of evolutionary biology in a wide sense, but with emphasis on processes and mechanisms of evolutionary phenomena.

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