miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

III Congreso Nacional de Investigación

IV Jornadas Complutenses. III Congreso Nacional de Investigación para Alumnos de Pregrado en Ciencias de la Salud organizado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Se celebrarán los días 17 y 18 de Abril de 2009 en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con objeto de presentar trabajos de investigación realizados por alumnos de cualquier curso de los estudios de Odontología, Medicina, Farmacia, Enfermería, Fisioterapia, Podología, Nutrición Humana, Terapia Ocupacional, Óptica y Optometría y Veterinaria. (Cartel y boletín anunciador están a disposición de los interesados en las dependencias del Vicedecanato de Estudiantes así como en el local estudiantil.

La Universidad tendrá la obligación de favorecer estudio y trabajo

Los estudiantes universitarios podrán exigir una atención y un diseño de su carrera que les permitan compaginar los estudios con un trabajo.

Éste es uno de los derechos recogidos en la propuesta del Estatut del Estudiante Universitario que la ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Cristina Garmendina, presentó a las principales asociaciones estudiantiles.

Garmendia también anunció que el Gobierno destinará cinco millones de euros en 2009 para promover contratos a tiempo parcial para alumnos que colaboren en tareas culturales y solidarias, entre otras, en los campus de excelencia que el ministerio está creando.

Para más información:

lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

International Summer Schools 2009

With a variety of subjects on offer, the University of Cambridge International Summer Schools give you the opportunity to explore a range of topics and disciplines.

A range of programme options allow for close study on specialist summer schools, or a more varied approach on our interdisciplinary programmes.

Interdisciplinary Summer Schools
If you are looking to study a variety of subjects, International Summer School Term I and Term II are ideal for you. Term I lasts for four weeks (spanning Sessions 1 and 2) while Term II is two weeks in length and takes place during Session 3.
On each programme you choose either two or three courses from those on offer and have classroom sessions each weekday, complemented by daily lectures on a range of general topics.

Specialist Summer Schools
If you are looking for in-depth study of a favourite subject then these programmes could be what you are looking for.
We have programmes in Literature, History, Science, Shakespeare, Medieval Studies and Art History. We also have an English for Academic Purposes programme which you can combine with one of three other Summer Schools.
Each of our specialist Summer Schools runs for two weeks and each falls within one of three sessions.
You can combine programmes from different sessions to build an individual schedule that meets your needs and interests, building up study periods of two, four or six weeks. You can also study for part of a session, allowing for one, three or five week study periods.

Las jornadas Farmacríticas

International Federation of Medical Students representan a una de las mayores organizaciones estudiantiles del mundo.
esta organización organizara las Jornadas Farmacríticas.

Las JORNADAS FARMACRÍTICAS se celebrarán en la Facultad de Medicina de Zaragoza el 17 y 18 de abril, con el fin de analizar la influencia de la Industria Farmacéutica tanto en la Salud Global como en la sociedad y sistemas sanitarios.

En estas jornadas se tratara diversos temas como la medicalización, prescripción responsable, uso racional del medicamento, publicidad y marketing, formación médica continuada, acceso a medicamentos esenciales, enfermedades olvidadas… mediante charlas, talleres, proyecciones, exposición y otras actividades.

Las jornadas están dirigidas a todo aquel que esté interesado y se hace un especial llamamiento a los estudiantes de medicina y médicos residentes.pues consideramos que son temas de enorme relevancia en nuestra formación médica y profesional.

Para más información:

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

ESEB 09 Reunion Anual en Torino, Italia

El 12º Congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Biología Evolutiva (ESEB) tendrá lugar entre los días 24 y 29 de Agosto en la ciudad de Torino, Italia.

Los simposios programados cubren un total de 31 temas de los más diversos de la biología evolutiva; entre ellos: " Evolutionary systems biology, From the selfish gene to species extinction: levels of selection in evolution, Are "good genes" theories of sexual selection finally sinking into the sunset?, The evolution of conflict and cooperation: when theory meets data, Evolutionary applications: a symposium sponsored by Wiley-Blackwell publishing, Male-female coevolution - from molecules to species...".

The 12th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology will be held in Torino, Italy, August 24 – 29, 2009.

The structure of the congress is similar to previous meetings, each day starting with a plenary keynote speaker, followed by parallel symposia.
The congress will cover the field of evolutionary biology in a wide sense, but with emphasis on processes and mechanisms of evolutionary phenomena.

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

‏Info Newsletter

This newsletter provides an overview of the latest updates about studying possibilities, scholarships, grants, trainings and conferences, various calls, working and internship opportunities worldwide.


PhD Scholarships - Giessens University Germany Scholarship: up to 9 Phd scholarships are offered

Open to: candidates that have a first or upper second class honours M.A.- degree (or equivalent)

fluency in either English or German is required

Application deadline: 1 March 2009

PhD Studentships - Department of Community Based Medicine UniversityStudentship: information available at studentfunding

Open to: graduates with good Honours or Masters degrees in relevant disciplines (epidemiology/ sociology/ psychology/ statistics/ economics/ neuroscience/ pharmacology/ clinical medicine applied to clinical/methodological issues in priority research areas)

Deadline: 13 February 2009

PhD Studentships in Nanoporous Material Science - University of Edinburgh Studentship: available immediately for 4 years

Open to: candidates that have a first class or 2.1 degree, or equivalent, in chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, or a related subject; programming experience in FORTRAN or a similar programming language

Deadline: 30 January 2009

Postgraduate studies at the European University Institute (EUI) Scholarships: full funded PhD studies

Deadline: January 31, 2009

Opento: all interested international students

Fellowships-Five College Women's Studies Research CenterScholarships: partial

Open to: women researchers

Deadline: February 9, 2009

New Zealand Development ScholarshipScholarships: partial and full

Deadline: 30 may,2009Open to: students from Africa, Asia and Latin America and Pacific countries

Postgraduate Studentship on Mathematical modelling of self-propelled cell motion on biomaterial surfaces Scholarships cover fees (University and College) and maintenance.

Open to: available to all nationalities

Deadline: February 27, 2009

Visiting scholar program to bring foreign journalists to Berkeley,USAExperienced journalists and editors around the world have the opportunity to apply for one-year of advanced professional training and academic study at the University of California - Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism.

Deadline: March 1, 2009.

3rd annual Graduate Conference in European History (GRACEH): "Migration and Movement in European History"

Application deadline: 1 February 2009


Deadline:1st February, 2009

Producers invited to create children's TV programs

Deadline: March 30, 2009

Youth essay contest to award cash prizes

Deadline: March 1st, 2009

Call for Papers-Philological StudiesDeadline: April 30, 2009

EUFUNDS:New FP7 Research Infrastructure Call

Deadline: March 17, 2009

Call for youth education projects in Western Balkans

Deadline: January 26, 2009

GRANTS-Matra Programme,Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Deadline: on-going

Job: Lecturer in Conflict Resolution, UniversityDeadline: May 1,2009